Monday, December 20, 2010

My Pick for Person of the Year

    John Craig Venter is a leading biologist in the field of genomic.  His work with genetic has changed the world.  He was one of the first people to sequence the human genome, and has started two companies that do work with genetics and genetic engineering.  His most recent accomplishment, however, was the creation of the first synthetic life form earlier this year.  Venter and his team built a full working set of DNA from the ground up, creating a form of bacterium that does not naturally exist.  They modeled the DNA off of an existing bacterium, but altered it so that it would not be confused with the natural one.  This creation of synthetic life has opened up new doors to what genetic engineering can accomplish.  Some day, organisms may be created to fill our needs, such as bacterium that eat plastic, or create electricity from biowaste.  I believe that his work will change the world, and for that, he should be Person of the Year.

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