Friday, December 10, 2010

Boeing Plans on Mass Producing a New Solarcell

The Boeing Company announced that Spectrolab, an owned subsidiary, has started mass production of its newest terrestrial solar cell with an average conversion efficiency of almost 40 percent. Most cell now don't get much above 21 percent . In my opinion this is great news, this will help give solar a fighting chance as a common power source. With the efficiency rising, solar may finally compete with coal and oil.


  1. Thats so cool. I've heard of Boeing company before and im glad they are working on better technology.

  2. I agree, and I think that it's interesting that solar power is becoming a well used source for power.

  3. Cool doesn't begin to describe it. Not only is this cool, it is insainly fantastic in the way of improving our way of life and reducing our eco-foot print drastically. It's breakthroughs like this that will get us farther faster.

  4. I totally agree with this. Thanks for raising awareness((:

  5. I think that it is important that we find a way to make alternative energy sources more efficent and affordable than oil.
