Monday, December 20, 2010

My Pick for Person of the Year

    John Craig Venter is a leading biologist in the field of genomic.  His work with genetic has changed the world.  He was one of the first people to sequence the human genome, and has started two companies that do work with genetics and genetic engineering.  His most recent accomplishment, however, was the creation of the first synthetic life form earlier this year.  Venter and his team built a full working set of DNA from the ground up, creating a form of bacterium that does not naturally exist.  They modeled the DNA off of an existing bacterium, but altered it so that it would not be confused with the natural one.  This creation of synthetic life has opened up new doors to what genetic engineering can accomplish.  Some day, organisms may be created to fill our needs, such as bacterium that eat plastic, or create electricity from biowaste.  I believe that his work will change the world, and for that, he should be Person of the Year.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What does the Future Hold

As 2010 ends, we look forward to the next year.  What new technology is in store for us?  One item that is on the rise is the hydrogen powered car. With fossil fuel prices rising, and electric cars having some issues, hydrogen may become the new fuel of the future.  it is already making some headway in Iceland, where it is quite plentiful.  on day, Iceland hopes to become an exporter of this potential fuel.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Future of Green Technology and its Importance

Green technology and Eco tech is vastly important to the world.  Ever day tons of gases are released into the air.  These gases, the most common being CO2, are called green house gases.  They are so think that when sunlight and heat enter the atmosphere, they don’t let it leave.  This cases global warming, which is raising the overall temperature of the planet.  This is bad because rising temperatures melt polar ice caps, which in turn raise the sea level.  Rising temperatures can also make natural habitats unsuitable to the animals and plants that live there.  Not only does the temperature hurt life in ecosystems, but constant deforestation and other harmful acts by humans do as well.  Green and Eco tech are technologies that help lower greenhouse gases, or work with the environment rather than harming it.

Nuclear Energy, Good or Bad?

Recently, there has been a lot of news about nuclear energy.  Nuclear energy provide an enormous amount of power, but also creates radioactive waste.  There are, however, few to no green house gases released in this process.  I believe that if the waste is taken care of properly, nuclear energy could be a great source of power. What are your thoughts on this?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Boeing Plans on Mass Producing a New Solarcell

The Boeing Company announced that Spectrolab, an owned subsidiary, has started mass production of its newest terrestrial solar cell with an average conversion efficiency of almost 40 percent. Most cell now don't get much above 21 percent . In my opinion this is great news, this will help give solar a fighting chance as a common power source. With the efficiency rising, solar may finally compete with coal and oil.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hey everyone,

      Recently there has been a huge increase in "eco tech."  Eco Tech is any kind of technology with environmental impact in mind.  It can range from new cars or buildings, to sustainable cities envisioned by some of the worlds greatest minds.  Technology that helps mankind, and the world, will be the topic of this blog.